Saturday, September 6, 2008

Read Blogs and RSS Feeds in Your Smartphone

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based content publishing format for syndicating news content from multiple web sites and information sources. Most news sites (e.g., and and blog sites produce RSS feeds so that other sites and portals can aggregate their headlines.

Of course, RSS is not limited to aggregating web content across several web sites. Many blogging suites put the full text of blog posts, rather than just headlines and links, in the RSS feeds. In this case, you can read blog entries via RSS alone, without actually loading the HTML web site. In fact, many blog readers do just that. While many web browsers do not support RSS, some specialized tools, such as NetNewsWire for Mac OS X and Sharp-Reader for Windows, allow you to keep track of many RSS feeds and read them from a computer.

But how do you read RSS from a Nokia mobile phone? The Nokia default browser (i.e., the Services application) and other third-party browsers cannot parse and render RSS. In this hack, I'll discuss ways to read RSS on your phone.

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