Saturday, December 27, 2008

Server Forwarding in S60 Smartphone Email

The easiest way to aggregate messages to a mobile email account is to have the original accounts forward the messages. If your original email account is on a Unix server, you can simply place a .forward file in your home directory with the following line (it keeps a copy of the message in the original account and forwards a copy to your mobile account):

If you use the procmail utility (see to manage your Unix email Inbox, you can add the following rule to the end of the .procmailrc file to copy all incoming messages to the address:

The advantage of procmail is that it supports a complex set of filtering rules. You can determine which messages to forward to the mobile account based on the sender and the content. For instance, you can avoid forwarding mailing list messages or autogenerated messages from forums. When you use it together with a spam filter, you can also avoid forwarding any message that might be spam.

For corporate email accounts (or non-Unix accounts) where you do not have access to the home directory, you should ask the administrator to set up the forwarding service.

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